My wife is a 3rd grade teacher. She goes to bed around 10, I get there 'round 2 or 3. We're talking major me time here. Major me time. So I do work, I read, I watch every Bravo show ever. I watch SportsCenter twice in a row. I listen to Indian ragas or Bjork, depending on what I'm eating. And sometimes, just for fun, I think on some ideas. It's not work, it's play. I swear.
Mic Heads
Lil' high-fidelity external microphone buddies that snap onto your iPhone. Upload audio clips to a public server via iPhone app and get free unlimited access to the whole searchable online audio library. You and music producers, musicians, and sound engineers could record and share your own sound clips. Samples for hip hop beats. SFX for movies. Engine sounds for motor enthusiasts. And students, with their powers combined, could crowdsource libraries of their class lectures and study sessions. PSY301 from the comforts of your comforter. ENG240 whilst you work out. Etc.